Creative Ideas – Tutorial: Let’s Make a Hello Kitty pendant
I got an idea to create this Hello Kitty pendant tutorial when I was babysitting my niece. She really likes Hello Kitty and owns many of this trade mark’s products – from pencils, to purses, bags, caps, toys, etc. But a couple of years ago she realised that she didn’t have any Hello Kitty jewelry, so she asked me to make a Hello Kitty pendant for her. I was happy to please her since I love to make all sorts of handmade products, also jewelry and I thought to myself – why not? What is more, I can also share this tutorial with you and I hope you are going to like it.
You are going to need an hour and half to make the Hello Kitty pendant and the photos below will help you to make it even easier.
ATTENTION! There are 36 photos which you will find on 2 pages. Click on the second page once you’ve seen the photos on this page.
Here we go:
To make this cute children Hello Kitty pendant you will need:
- white
- pink
- cyclamen
- black and if you wish also
- blue and
- yellow Fimo or Cernit clay
View the photos for the exact ratio/proportion of each clay.
Also, search your local arts/craft store for these craft supplies:
- platinum or silver-platted eye pins (nickle free)
- cutting and flat pliers
- a leather or fabric cord for the pendant (also a lobster clasp for the finishing)
- and and olfa knife or fimo clay knife
- of course, you will also need an owen and a bakin pan with a baking paper to bake your Hello Kitty pendant
- also, if you want to achieve a glossy look for your product, use also Fimo Clay varnish/lacquer with glanz effect
1. Prepare your Fimo/Cernit clay – white, black, cyclamen (if you like, you can also prepare blue and yellow one)
2. Cut the white clay into 6 pieces – a bigger one for the head, the second one (also big one) for the body, two tiny pieces for Hello Kitty tiny ears (in the size of your pinky fingernail) and 2 small pieces for Hello Kitty paws (in the size of the thumb fingernail).
3. Take the2 biggest white pieces of Fimo/Cernit clay and shape 2 white balls with your palms. Use the biggest ball to shape the Hello Kitty’s head – first, press the ball slightly onto the clean and flat surface (the best is to use acrylic or glass surface) and flatten it slightly.
4. Take the small pieces of white Fimo/Cernit clay (for the ears) and shape two small cylinders, then use your thumb and index fingertips to shape two tiny cone shaped Hello Kitty ears.
5. Take the ears and fasten/merge them with the Hello Kitty’s head. You can use your tumb fingernail or some other flat supply to stuff the ears gently into the head.
6. There, the basic shape fo your Hello Kitty’s head is made, now move on to her body.
7. Take the other big white ball and slightly flatten it with your fingers in the shape of a triangle, then cut off the top of the triangle (see the photo).
8. Now we are going to merge the Hello Kitty’s head and the body – we are going to need an eye pin for that.
9. Use your cutting pliers to cut the eye pin on half and then use the part without an »eye« on top. Use your flat pliers to bend the eye pin in the shape of the letter L (see the photo) – you can also use an ordinary thin wire for that.
10. Then push the bended part of the pin into the the upper part of the body and finaly…
11. … push the other part of the bended pin into the bottom part of the head. Use your fingers to make the transition between the head and the body invisible.
12. Now take your olfa knife or Fimo clay knife to push some of the clay from the bottom of the head at the back on the back side of the body (but it is not necessary).
13. Once your Hello Kitty’s head is resting on the body safely…
14. … take your black Fimo/Cernit clay and make two tiny balls (save some black clay also for the ears, a bow and her whiskers) which you are going to use for the eyes.
15. Also, take a tiny piece of your cyclamen Fimo/Cernit clay to shape the Hello Kitty’s nose. Use your fingertips to press the eyes and the nose gently onto the head (see the photo).
16. You will need the rest of the black Fimo/Cernit clay to make your cat’s whiskers, bow and ears. Make a long and tiny roll (see the photo) and cut it into 6 pieces (0,2 inches – 3-4 mm long) of really tiny rolls. Use your fingertips to make those rolls really tiny.
17. Shape Hello Kitty’s whiskers and press them onto the head (see the photo).
18. Then use a small piece of your cyclamen clay to shape the bow – make 3 little balls – one slightly bigger than the other ones. First, shape two cyclamen leaves and flatten them on one side.
19. The smaller ball will represent a bow’s knot in the middle. Press all three parts on the surface of the kitten’s head just below the right or left ear, so that they will form a cute little cyclamen bow.
20. We have almost finished the Hello Kitty’s head – all we need yet to do is to put some black color on her bow – use the rest of the black clay for this (end of the first page – now click on »2« to go to the second page and see the rest of instructions and photo tutorial.
21. Use the black rolls to form a black pattern round her bow and the bow’s knot (see the photo).
22. Then take another eye pin, cut it on two pieces and make an L shape (use the pin part with an eye).
23. Press the pin slightly into the top of the head (you may also want to do this even before you make the eyes, the nose and the bow).
24. This is how the back part of the head looks like once we have put the pin into the head – this eye pin hole will allow you to put a cord or beaded wire through it, to wear the pendant as a necklace.
25. Rhe rest of the cyclamen Fimo/Cernit clay will serve your as Hello Kitty’s dress. Shape a cyclamen ball.
26. Then flatten it (thickness=0,1 inch/1-2 mm).
27. Use your olfa knife to cut out her dress in the shape of a trapeze.
28. Use your index and middle finger to put the dress on her body.
29. Now we will also shape her legs – use your flat part of the olfa knife and make a tiny notch in the middle of her body at the bottom (0,1 inch/2-3 mm long) to shape her feet/paws.
30. Our Hello Kitty will also need two arms/upper paws. Take two smaller white balls (in the size of the thumb fingernail). Shape two rolls (see the photo), press them between fingers slightly on one side and flatten them slightly on the other side – the wider parts will serve as her paws.
31. Use your olfa knife and make two notches to form the paws (see the photo). This way your upper paws are made.
32. Then press the upper paws/hands on the body – follow the photo instruction.
33. Take pink clay and shape a small ball to form two little sleeves which you will put on top of her upper paws/arms.
34. Flatten the ball and cut it into half.
35. Use one half for the left and the other half for the right sleeve. Press the sleeves with your fingertips the way photo instruction shows.
36. We are almost done! All we need to do now is to make her dress look nice – use your olfa knife and make some folds on her dress – make some slight, shallow notches into her dress. Now do the same on her sleeves and you can use the same technique on her bottom paws and her ears – use the flat part of the olfa knife (see the photo) and slightly press the corner of the knife into the ears – this way it will seem as if her ears have depth. If you wish, you can also make some polka dots (yellow and blue) on her dress. I didn’t, but you can play with her dress as much as you wish.
37. We are only one step away from making our Hello Kitty complete! Put your Hello Kitty on the baking paper and pan and then put the baking pan into the pre-heated owen. Bake Hello Kitty for 34-50 minutes (follow the Fimo/Cernit clay instructons, in order to avoid dangerous ftalates which may evaporate from Fimo clay, if you bake it for too long or in an too hot owen) on 110 – 130°C (383,15 K-403,15 K). Once your pendant is baked, left it to cool down for about 15 minutes. If you wish, you can also use Fimo clay Glanz lacquer (glanz lack) to make it shine – left it dry for 15 minutes and then you can use your leather or fabric cord with a lobster clasp and wear it around your neck.
- If you wish, you can also make two little Hello Kitty earrings – use the same technique as described above and then use two ear »fish« wires to wear two Hello Kitties as cute and modern earrings.
- Did you like my Hello Kitty tutorial? I’ll be glad to hear from you – please, write me at or if you have any questions, comments or anything else you would like to say. I appreciate your voice!
Author of this tutorial: Nina Kolar,, Please note that I do not own any rights to own the copyright for the Hello Kitty motif, as it is a registered trademark. But I do own copyrights for this tutorial, so I do not allow to use it for commercial use (any textual or graphical and or photo material from this tutorial), unless I gave you the permission for that. Thank you! Nina Kolar